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Ysgol Pen Y Pîl

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Gwefannau defnyddiol / Useful websites

Gwefannau Defnyddiol / Useful Websites 

Gall y gwefannau isod eich helpu gyda'r gwaith dysgu adref / The websites below could help with your home learning.

Fideos defnyddiol ar gyfer dulliau Mathemateg / Useful videos for learning different methods in Maths

Appiau Defnyddiol / Useful Apps 

Dyma restr o appiau gwahanol allwch eu lawrlwytho am ddim neu am gost bach er mwyn cefnogi'r dysgu yn y cartref / Here's a list of apps you can download on your tablet or phone for free or a small cost to support home learning.


  • WonderBox 
  • Tynker
  • Busy Things
  • Puppet Pals 
  • Hit the Button (£2.99) 
  • DuoLingo
  • Brain Pop
  • Hopscotch 
  • Marvel Hero Tales
  • Doddlemaths
  • Spelling Shed (£2.99

Cysylltwch â Ni /Contact Us

Ysgol Pen Y Pîl Heol Glan y Môr, Trowbridge, Caerdydd, CF3 1RQ