Gwisg Ysgol / School Uniform
Gwisg Ysgol
Rydym yn disgwyl bod pob plentyn yn gwisgo gwisg swyddogol yr ysgol, sef, crys polo melyn, trwsus du i fechgyn, sgert/trwsus du i ferched (ddim rhai gyda logo megis 1D), siwmper neu gardigan werdd gyda logo’r ysgol. Mae disgwyl i bob plentyn wisgo du esgidiau du addas. Gellir prynu gwisg ysgol yn uniongyrchol oddi wrth YC Sports yn eu siop yn Heol Crwys neu'n uniongyrchol ar-lein gan Gellir cael copi o'u rhestr brisiau ar gyfer 2020/21 ar gael o swyddfa'r ysgol.
Gall pob rhiant sicrhau fod enw eich plentyn ar eu heiddo. Gallen ni ond rhoi’r eiddo yn ôl os oes enw yn glir arno.
There is an expectation that all children wear school uniform – yellow polo shirt, black trousers for boys, black skirt/ trousers / dress for girls and green sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo. All children must wear suitable black shoes. Uniform can be bought directly from YC Sports at their shop in Crwys Road or directly online from A copy of their price list for 2020/21 can be found below.
Can parents please make sure children’s uniform is marked clearly with the child’s name so we can re-unite every misplaced garment with its owner.